My Cunt The Toolboox

April of 2005 finds our constant heroine GangBangMomma formerly the South Texas Cock Lover or STCL trapped in a torid domestic situation wherein PervertedHubby has decided to use her vagina as a toolbox It all started when her manpig hubby had to use his tools to fix some household honeydos During his work GangBangMomma accidentally backed over and destroyed his trusty toolbox which he had used for years Angry and horny PervertedHubby immediately fell upon her forced her to her back spread her legs then her cunt and immediately began stuffing all his tools deeply into her vagina Of course ever remaining the gentleman he at least used condoms and only inserted them one tool at a time Smiling mischievously GBM simply laid back relaxed and let the manpig have his fun stretching her snatch Little did HE know how much she secretly enjoyed having her pussy made the center of attention for these photos Loves and kisses you BallYankingHeadPinchers –  (Gallery) 

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